University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture Where knowledge and challenge meet

About the Faculty  --  Organisation  --  Library


2013. április 30.

Basic services

Basic services are: reader service, catalogue and database use, reading in the library

The basic services of the library are free of charge for everyone, no registration is needed to use them.

Reader service

During business hours the qualified librarians will provide verbal information on the books of the library, the databases of the university library and also about the documents and services of the public library system.

Databases, catalogues

During the opening hours readers can use the library catalogue and computer database to find books and documents in the library.

Reading in the library

There is a reading room in the library where the documents that cannot be borrowed and taken away (books, newspapers journals and periodicals) are put out on open shelves and are free to read here.
The silence and order of the reading room must be ensured.

Borrowing books

Readers need to register to borrow books.

Documents necessary for registration:

- identity card
- student card

Annual registration fee:

- Staff and students of higher education institutions (other than the University of Szeged): 400 HUF / year

- Adults: 700 HUF / year

- The staff and students employed by or studying at the University of Szeged do not have to pay the registration fee.

Readers can borrow books personally with their valid identification.

Documents that can be borrowed:

- Professional books
- Fiction
- Lecture notes
- Textbooks

Documents that cannot be borrowed:

- Manuals
- Current and bound periodicals
- Theses
- Archive lecture-notes and textbooks
- Magnetic data carriers

One reader can have 5 books at a time. Return period: 4 weeks.

The return period can be prolonged (renewed) twice on the reader’s request. Readers can ask it personally, by telephone or by e-mail before the expiry date.

If books are not returned by the due date, the reader has to pay a fine that is 25 HUF/book/day.

Interlibrary loan

There is an interlibrary loan service to help the users of our library borrow books or receive photocopies of items owned by another library. The costs of photocopying and other costs are paid by the borrower.

Additional services

Copying services

The library offers copy services of documents or other library items in the possession of the library at short notice.



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